Friday, 16 May 2014

Upcoming fun project with dual Brushbot and ATtiny84...

While I'm waiting on parts (extruder, beated bed,  and hotend) for my RepScrap 3D printer, I thought I would have a bit more fun...

Someone sent me this hilarious video, and it started me thinking...

I frequently attend various  vendor trade shows,  and invariably, the vendors hand out useless trinkets as advertising...  I usually do one of three things with these... 

    1) anything electronic gets tossed into the parts bin, 
    2) anything of a "toy" nature goes to my children (yes, I got that order straight) 
    3) everything else gets tossed them into the garbage.

 So I happen to have a pair of these "electronic devices" in my parts bin.  I think they are commercially known as "Hexbot Nanos

They would effectively replace the toothbrush head and pager motor in the above video....

But I also received one of these little wind up distractions to the left here...  

Mechanical spring wound clockworks makes him do a little dance...  

For some strange reason, he hadn't quite made it to the kids yet...  hmmm....

It looks like those Hexbots might just fit the bottom of his feet..... 

Maybe I could run them directly from an ATtiny84 as in THIS blog... 
yes, I know I should add a transistor to drive each motor, but when I looked up the current draw on a free running pager motor, low and behold they are around 20-40ma... well within the range of the ATtiny84 pins capability.

 Current and RPM specs:

Voltage RPM Current (free) Current (stall)
1.5V 9700 17.5mA 120mA
3.0V 18420 22mA 260mA
5.0V 31900 32.1mA 420mA

Add a Sharp IR proximity sensor onto his chest, a small LiPo battery on his back for balance, the gratuitous leds on the head, and I think we just may have ourselves the next project.... It doesn't get much simpler...

(ok, ok... yes, I'll likely wire in a connector for the AVR programmer... but that's it...  well... and maybe find another pager motor to replace the spring wound mechanism that makes him dance... but THATs it... really...


I thought I would put this picture in, just to show the scale... 

References and prior art:

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